Thursday, 11 June 2009

Reviving The Corpse!

British politics have long been confrontational and one gets tired of witnessing the endless round of unanswered questions in parliament which are met with counter accusations leading to pointless and fruitless exchanges of insults.

So I’ve always thought that Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesdays (for 150-odd years they used to be held on Thursdays until President Blair moved them as being more convenient to him) were a complete and utter waste of time whatever party happened to be in power, and yesterday’s session was no exception. As usual Gordon Brown didn’t answer any of the questions put to him but merely countered them with accusations against the Conservatives.

Brown did, however, tell us that he proposed to introduce an independent body to supervise MPs pay and conditions which would have power to impose sanctions on erring MPs. Fair enough - supposing the lot sitting comfortably with their snouts in the trough vote such a body in.

You’d suppose that Brown would then follow this proposal up with others that would deal with our appalling economic position, help rising unemployment, deal with the many issues affecting hospitals and schools and any of the dozens of others that impact on the lives of the ordinary man in the street.

But no, he announces a plan to reorganise the voting system. What a strange thing to come up with at this time! Might it have something to do with the fact that the Labour party is virtually disappearing as disaffected voters look to other parties who appear more able to sort out the problems that face our country? Or am I just a cynic?

This proposal seems to me to be akin to a surgeon attempting to revive a corpse which has already been embalmed!

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