Monday, 17 August 2009


I’m a sucker for animal stories and was pleased that the weekend papers carried a few heart-warming tales (or should it be tails?).

The Thai Navy have nurtured thousands of baby sea turtles over the years to prevent them becoming extinct and, in honour of their Queen’s birthday recently, successfully released some of the little fellows into the sea. Also in Thailand, Motola the elephant, who lost a leg ten years ago when she stepped on a land mine on the Burma/Thai border, has been fitted successfully with a prosthetic leg and is learning to walk on four legs again. Another Thai elephant, a baby, fell into a land-drain and was rescued successfully from it after workmen cut away the surrounding land.

Nearer to home, Kenny, a cross bichon frise, has been reunited with his owners nine years after going missing from his Essex home. The animal was recently found wandering in Epping Forest and his microchip ensured he was returned to his original home. Then Bess, the lucky Labrador, who was caught in a fox-trap, managed to survive for three weeks by licking rainwater off her paws during showers. Though these traps are supposed to be checked every 24 hours, it seems that the owner of this one did not, and so Bess is a very lucky dog indeed.

Finally, the aptly-named duck, Lucky, has been fitted with a special leather sandal after she broke her leg and faced being put down. The sandal enables Lucky to walk and swim while she waits for an operation which will fix her leg.


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