Monday, 9 November 2009

Every Day Something New

You learn something every day. Like, for instance, that there is an Act of Parliament called the Outer Space Act 1986. Wow!

The Act’s preamble explains its purpose: ‘An Act to confer licensing and other powers ... to ensure compliance with the international obligations of the United Kingdom with respect to the launching and operation of space objects and the carrying out of other activities in outer space by persons connected with this country.’ Wow again!

I had no idea that there was such an Act or that it would be so all-encompassing. Thinking of launching your own spacecraft from the wilds of the Yorkshire Moors? Think again - you need permission! Or maybe you’re thinking of accepting an invitation from that friendly Martian that walked through your wall on Saturday night and asked if you’d like to go for a ride on Tuesday? Forget it - you need permission!

Why am I burbling on about outer space?

It’s because the head of Virgin Galactic is thinking about launching his commercial space flights out of a spaceport based in Scotland’s Lossiemouth. But a change in the law - in the Outer Space Act 1986 - is needed to allow him to do it.

Groan! Is there no aspect of modern life that the government hasn’t got its bureaucratic fingers on?

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