Friday, 11 December 2009

Dangerous Drivers

The Transport Research Laboratory has found that more drivers are using hand-held mobile phones than before tougher penalties were bought in two years ago and that phone-using drivers are four times more likely to crash.

This is more news that didn’t come as a surprise, for I guess most of us have seen drivers of cars and trucks negotiating their way through heavy traffic or round corners with a phone clamped to their ear in one hand. Not only is this highly dangerous, but it is very irritating to see drivers getting away with it.

I believe that the police now automatically check the use of mobile phones when investigating traffic accidents and I’m all for that. One assumes also that drivers caught using their mobiles lose their insurance cover when they cause accidents.

The thing that I find very curious is that, while hand-held mobiles and DVD players are forbidden to drivers, the use of GPS receivers is not. So many cars these days seem to be fitted with one and you often see drivers fiddling with their glowing screens.

Are not these as distracting to drivers as mobile phones and other gadgets?

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