Monday, 22 February 2010

‘No Interest’

The Ministry of Defence has published its full archive of reported UFO sightings, but not before ‘uncomplimentary comments’ were blacked out along with comments about international relations and defence technology.

What a pity. We could do with some light relief in what seems to me to be an extended run-up to the General Election. What were these uncomplimentary remarks I wonder? Things like: ‘Utter Tosh!’, ‘What Rot!’, ‘Pure Drivel!’? Surely not?

And then my attention was drawn to a sniffy comment by an MoD spokesman. ‘Contrary to what many members of the public may believe, MoD has no interest in the subject of extraterrestrial life forms visiting the UK, only in ensuring the integrity and security of UK airspace.’

What then if a flying saucer landed in Hyde Park? Would the MoD have some interest then? Or would some ‘Civil Enforcement Officer’ come along and slap a parking ticket on it?

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