Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Might A Prayer Help?

Until yesterday I had no idea that many local councils commence their sessions with prayers, as is the case with Bideford Town Council who have twice voted to maintain them.

However, one member of this council feels so strongly against the practice that he has involved the National Secular Society who say that it is a breach of the European Convention of Human Rights and who now seek a judicial review on it. They consider the ‘archaic practice’ is ‘not appropriate in modern-day Britain’.

Bideford’s Mayor, who as it happens is an agnostic anyway, said the legal action was ‘a bit of an overreaction’ and that he thought there were ‘far greater issues than whether we should pray before council meetings’. I agree with him.

We have some quaint customs in our country, and prayers before council meetings may be one of them. I have no strong feelings on the issue, particularly as some councils don’t follow the practice.

But it does seem to me that the legal action threatened by the NSS could involve this north Devon council in legal expenses they could ill-afford at a time when there are so many more important things to concern them.

Maybe, the local elections coming up will oust the troublesome councillor and so neatly put an end this test case! Might a prayer to this effect help?

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