Thursday, 9 September 2010

Hazardous To Health

I’ve occasionally (though not often) thought about whether or not to rent an allotment and do the ‘Good Life’ thing and grow my own fruit and vegetables but, on balance, decided it could be hazardous to my health. I was right, for two stories about allotments have surfaced this morning.

The first concerns some thieves who had broken into nine allotment sheds in Bucknall, Staffordshire, stealing various items of gardening equipment.

They then had the misfortune to break into the tenth shed and in doing so accidentally disturbed a wasps nest resulting in the creatures immediately going in for the attack. Leaving some of the stolen tools behind, the thieves ran away from the swarm of wasps following them. Police are looking for an unknown number of men extensively covered in wasp stings.

The second tale concerns a lady who rented part of an allotment in Garston, Liverpool, from a man who stipulated that she should not dig too deep because his pet dog was buried somewhere in it.

As the lady and her daughter started to clear the weeds away and turn the earth over ready for planting, they unearthed a gun which they took to the police station. The police came back to the patch and discovered three more guns. Over the next four-weeks, a handgun, parts of guns, a stockpile of bullets and ammunition magazines, a flare gun, a shotgun-silencer along with unidentified chemicals were unearthed. Eventually, bomb disposal specialists were called in to ensure the allotment was clear and ready for potato planting. Merseyside Police have arrested a man on suspicion of possession of firearms.

See what I mean? Allotments can be hazardous to your health!

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