Saturday, 30 October 2010


Yesterday a chum emailed me some wonderful photographs of a little girl who befriended a baby male orangutan at a wildlife centre in Miami. Those amazing pictures, which feature widely on the internet, also appear in one of this morning’s newspapers.

Two-year-old Emily Brand was taken to the wildlife centre by her father where she was introduced to the one-year-old orangutan, Rishi. The two took to each other immediately and are clearly bosom pals judging from the photos of Rishi giving Emily a kiss, sharing the child’s tea party and being taken for a walk in a doll’s pram, etc.

It is a lovely, heart-warming story about the bond that can exist between a child and one of the gentlest and friendliest of creatures, now an endangered species.

The same newspaper also features the equally heart-warming story of Mely, a 15-year-old female orangutan who has been rescued from harsh captivity in Borneo by International Animal Rescue and taken to an animal sanctuary where she will be cared for.

Maybe stories about two orangutans does nothing for you amidst all the other stories ot economic woes, bomb threats, riots and so on.

But, while there are people out there who devote their lives to looking out for some of God’s creatures, perhaps it’s not such a bad world after all.

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