Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Today’s Whinge

According to a study by the makers of Sensodyne toothpaste, the average Briton moans 1,300 times a year.

This equates to nearly eight and a half minutes a day or 53 hours a year. The most common moans are about how expensive things are, the lack of anything decent to watch on television, the weather, household chores, our finances and the government.

I’d add to these the annoying increase in sound levels when television adverts come on, traffic in general and the lack of bad manners on the road, people that spit in the street, disruptive youths, so-called Civil Enforcement Officers, people that breathe garlic over you, the EU, television shows which set out to humiliate people, folk who constantly complain about things, research that doesn’t enlighten our lives ... oops, but my eight and half minutes are up!

My wife says that I became a grumpy old man some years ago and certainly I, and probably the readers of my daily blogs, wouldn’t argue with that. On the other hand, there is a certain pleasure in having a good old whinge about things!

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