Saturday, 27 November 2010

Are We Married?

There are reports that a million Church of England marriages over the last thirty years are technically invalid because the wrong form of words was used when clergy, using the latest Prayer Book, read the banns three times in the weeks prior the ceremonies.

At face value this is quite an alarming story and one that has quickly spread through the internet.

But, as is so often the case, you have to hear what the lawyers say and, in this case, common sense would seem to prevail.

Addressing the Church of England General Synod, one Church lawyer said: ‘... the 1949 Marriage Act contained ‘robust’ clauses to protect ‘a marriage that has been entered into in good faith by the parties’.’

And, if that were not clear enough, another lawyer put it more succinctly: ‘... the marriage legislation effectively says that if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then it is a duck. If both parties believe they are married, then they are protected.’

Thus dashing the hopes of many who might rather have wished that their marriages were now invalid!

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