Sunday, 6 February 2011

A French Upset?

The government is considering moving the May Bank Holiday to October, from the half-term break in 2013, which they think would help promote the tourism industry in the latter part of the year. The idea comes as tourism chiefs have called for a better spread of pubic holidays throughout the year and this one might be called UK Day or Trafalgar Day.

The whinging has already started and unions have accused the government of attacking International Workers Day on 1 May. This despite the May Day Bank Holiday often falling close to the Easter holidays. The General Secretary of the TUC has called for an extra bank holiday to be given instead.

Compared with other EU countries, Britain falls behind in the number of public holidays each year, so moving the holiday to October - or putting another one in place - would seem to me to be a great idea especially if it were to be called Trafalgar Day.

But I doubt the French would be pleased about that!

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