Friday, 4 February 2011

Put A Sock In It!

Every now and again I chuck out all my socks and start again by purchasing a new stock. It’s an efficient arrangement except that I very often end up with one unused sock in my drawer.

How is it possible to end up with one unused sock after I gradually use up the dozen or so new pairs I bought? It’s a mystery and the only possible answer must be that I have been short-sold one sock.

Socks, of course, go missing for any number of reasons: they get lost in washing machines, get chewed by dogs, get thrown away accidentally or go walkabouts for a variety of other reasons. In my case, I’m sure that I’ve just been short-sold since there is no other plausible solution to the problem.

Coincidentally a study of 1,500 Britons has shown that 82% of young men will end up wearing mismatched socks at least once a week. It seems that northern men are most likely affected by the lost sock syndrome with 67% of those questioned reporting that they lost up to 15 socks a year. Black socks are also those most likely to go missing.

Socks are not expensive and so I can’t say I can get worked up too much when I find an odd one before I’ve had a chance to wear it. I just buy more when I need them.

There may be a mystery about where the other lost socks disappear to. But the bigger mystery to me is why all those young men don’t just go out and buy new ones!

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