Sunday, 4 July 2010

Happy Fourth July!

Today is the day on which all Americans celebrate the 1776 statement by the Continental Congress announcing that the thirteen American colonies were henceforth to be independent states and no longer part of the British Empire.

The Declaration of Independence was approved by Congress on 4 July and purists have been arguing ever since whether or not it was actually signed on that day. Nonetheless, the Declaration bears 4 July as its date and, years later, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams all confirmed it had in fact been signed that day.

I’ve been in the States a couple of times over Fourth July Weekend and can confirm that the American world, or that part of it I was privileged to see, was out to celebrate. Those I met cared not a jot about arcane arguments over the Declaration’s date of signature; they were just out to party. And why not?

So a very happy Fourth of July to all Americans!

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