Saturday, 3 July 2010

Not Much Around

The newspapers are full of stuff this morning. Well, sort of, for none of it has prompted me to get going.

Fabio Capello is to remain as the England team’s manager. Could this imply that he was either too expensive to sack or that it was solely the poor performance of the players to blame for our rout in the World Cup?

The British chap who was once married to the alleged Russian spy now held in America tells all, or nearly all. He is quoted as saying that he wasn’t surprised at the news that his ex-wife had been arrested. Which begs the question as to why he didn’t report her if he suspected something when they were married.

A lock of hair, reputed to have been cut from Napoleon after his death in exile in St. Helena in 1821, has fetched £8,600 at an auction in New Zealand. The buyer, who wishes to remain anonymous, could have had mine for free though, perhaps, anyone purchasing a lock of what’s left of my hair wouldn’t want the world to know about it!

Israel has renewed its offer to release 1,000 Palestinian prisoners if the captured soldier Sergeant Gilad Shalit, who was seized militants on the Gaza border in 2006, is freed. It seems a fair exchange, particularly as feeding 1,000 prisoners every day must be a heavy drain on Israeli resources.

And, finally, the government has published a list of more than 150 bosses of taxpayer-supported quangos who receive six-figure salaries. The top earner was nearly £400,000 paid to the chief executive of the Olympic Delivery Authority. Others, like Lord Mogg, chairman of energy regulator Ofgem, received over £200,000 a year for working just three days a week. Oh, how I wish I could have had a job like that!

As I say, there’s not much around today to set me going!

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