Monday, 5 July 2010

If Only!

For those who are interested, despite my cheerful countenance, I didn’t win the lottery this weekend - not even a perishing tenner! But five lucky folk did, scooping £1.5 millions each.

My sister and I have sometimes discussed what we would do if we were to be lucky enough to have a really big win on the lottery. After treating the family and securing our children’s futures, we would love to set up a charitable trust and see what good we could do with the money.

One man who has just done something like this is billionaire Warren Buffett who has just shelved out shares worth $1.93 billions between five charitable foundations. This is an unimaginable amount of money, yet he says that he intends to give away 99% of his fortune which is reckoned to be something around $44 billions.

What can you say except thank heavens for philanthropists like Mr Buffett and Bill Gates!

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