Sunday, 28 March 2010

Fighting Back!

We all have our favourite things which tick us off when we are driving. Mine include, in order of ‘tickedness’:

Those who use hand-held mobile phones while driving,

The high beams of oncoming cars at night,

Motorway lane hogs,

Drivers who belt round with their noisy hi-fi systems vibrating everything nearby,

Those who make brake suddenly and make sharp turns without signalling their intentions and

Those drivers, usually young men in their souped-up cars, who tailgate you in the hope that you will speed up when you are already observing a speed limit.

I’ve never driven a motorcycle as I think they are dangerous and need greater driving skills than I possess. Most motorcyclists are considerate to other road users but, as in any other situation, some are not. On the other hand, I sympathise with motorcyclists who make the same complaints about other drivers as I do. One of their chief sources of complaint relate to drivers who tailgate them and that is certainly a dangerous practice.

One 30-year old plumber from Stamford, Lincolnshire, got totally ticked off by tailgaters and put his mind to the problem. He decided that an effective way of deterring tailgaters was to build a flame thrower at the back of scooter so that, at the flick of a switch, he could blast fifteen feet of flames behind him. And that is just what he did.

The pictures he posted on the internet were certainly very impressive and I, for one, wouldn’t want to have been the recipient of the plumber’s flames.

Alas, the pictures were his downfall. Lincolnshire Police spotted the pictures of the man allegedly riding his scooter on a public highway and arrested him on charges of possessing an object converted to a firearm.

I suppose this is right. At the same time, it would have been nice to have seen this converted scooter in action!

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