Friday, 19 March 2010

Put The ‘Great’ Back Into Great Britain!

I wrote the other day about the gloom that has descended over the country in recent years and the lack of pride some folk seem to have in it.

Our American cousins are very proud of their country - one that is just as diverse as ours - and many of them wear the Stars and Stripes in their lapels. The Stars and Stripes are frequently seen to be fluttering outside people’s houses, restaurants, offices and other places. The Star-Spangled Banner and other patriotic songs are heard at all manner of events and very often on television when the armed forces are commemorated. Americans’ pride in their country is palpable.

Contrast this with dour Britain. Except for those above public buildings, the Union Flag is a rare sight though, admittedly, one sometimes sees the English, Welsh and Scots flags being flown by those with a sporting or regional interest. Few of our national products bear the Union Jack any more (what happened to campaigns like the ‘Buy British’ one?) and precious few people have it in their lapels.

Why am I banging on about national anthems, flags and national pride?

It is because a few people have complained to the BBC that the national anthem played at the end of the day by Radio 4 is too loud and that it is ‘jingoistic’. They are right; it is loud and I agree it is jingoistic. But it’s our National Anthem.

There was a time when the National Anthem was played at the end of every day on radio. It was played at the end of cinema and theatrical performances. I seem to recall it was played at the end of the day by BBC Television in the days when it was the only channel and closed down early. There was a time also when we had great pride on our country and all sorts of products bore the Union Jack as a sign of quality before the odious BNP took it as their symbol.

And what now?

We have a hundred or so people complaining that Radio 4 plays the National Anthem at the end of the day. Good for Radio 4 is what I say! Radio 4’s network manager has it right. ‘While some will hear it as jingoistic others will hear it as comforting and encouraging and redolent of tradition and community and all sorts of other things.’

It’s time to put the ‘great’ back into Great Britain, and we could start by playing the National Anthem a bit more frequently and by sporting the Union Jack more than we do at present. A bit more national pride is what we need!

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