Sunday, 21 March 2010

‘Police! Open Up!’

Let’s see. You’re a nice old couple in your eighties and live in a nicely painted detached house in a nice quiet neighbourhood in Brooklyn in New York. The front lawn is neatly mown, the two bushes neatly trimmed and the Stars and Stripes proudly flutters from a flagpole in front of your house. On the face of it, you are a respectable old couple enjoying your retirement in peace and quiet.

Not so. For over the last eight years, the police have arrived at all hours of the day and night, hammering on their front and back doors and screaming out, ‘Police! Open up!’

Not once but fifty times!

What must the neighbours have thought? Is the old man a drug dealer? Is the old lady running a house of ill-repute? Are the old couple running some sort of illegal racket via the internet? What is going on here?

The answer is that the old couple are indeed a respectable couple enjoying, as one might expect, their retirement. Only, thanks to the police, it’s not quite so peaceful.

It turns out that in 2002 the couple’s address was used as test data for a new computer crime-tracking system - except that when it went live their data remained in the system. Despite their complaints, and assurances from the police that their details would be purged from the system, their data remained on it and the disturbances and upset continued.

However, following the latest incident, the couple’s address has now been flagged with alerts barring police officers from further questioning them. Only time will tell whether this is effective.

One would have thought that the couple could have sued the New York Police Department for substantial damages, but they appear not to have considered this. Maybe because the New York Police Commissioner no less visited the couple last week to apologise and to hand over a conciliatory gesture of a cheesecake.

It must have been a very good cheesecake!

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