Saturday, 13 March 2010

What A Lot Of Fuss!

The least popular student in the oddly-named Itawamba County Agricultural High School in Fulton, Mississippi, is an 18-year old lesbian who wanted to bring her girlfriend to the Annual Prom.

High school proms are important affairs in America. Students get themselves dressed up in their hired finery, the boys buy corsages and flowers for their girlfriends and often hire stretched limos to take them and their guests to the festivities.

But not this year in Itawamba County Agricultural High School in Fulton, Mississippi, for the event has been cancelled.

The young woman asked permission to bring her girlfriend and was sniffily told that she and her partner would not be allowed to arrive at the event together nor would she be allowed to wear a tuxedo. The School Board also reserved the right to ask the student and her girlfriend to leave if it made any other students feel uncomfortable.

That august body, the American Civil Liberties Union, got involved and issued an ultimatum to the School Board to reverse its ban on same-sex couples attending proms. The School Board’s response was to cancel the event altogether, saying that it hoped ‘private citizens will organise an event for the juniors and seniors’ instead.

What a lot of fuss and bother about nothing in what is supposed to be enlightened times. You’d have thought that the School Board would have cast a blind eye on the issue rather than raising it to international headline proportions. And had the American Civil Liberties Union kept their noses out of it, the prom might yet have gone ahead albeit without the young lady and her girlfriend. But neither party did and so a lot of students, not to say the local businesses benefiting from the annual student bash, will suffer.

The young woman responsible for this hoo-ha commented, ‘A bunch of kids at school are really going to hate me for this.’ Boy, how right she is!

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